Charming Escape Group


The ROI simulator illustrates the financials for a typical project, based on Charming Escape Group experience.

The top three data points for the real estate investor are

  • ROI for a newly-built property dedicated to short letting: typically 8% - 15 % per annum, and can be as high as 30% by picking areas of the island experiencing a post-pandemic tourism boom. This is many times higher than typical figures in New York, London or Sydney
  • 200-300k USD avg investment ticket. This buys a 2,000 sq ft Bali villa with pool and garden, but would not suffice for a one-bedroom flat in a large US, UK or Australian city
  • Developed and readily available services on banking, legal advisory and property management

There is no mystery on what drives people to the Island of Gods!

Its rich artistic heritage – wood carving, sculpture, dance – originates from a culture that prizes balance and harmony over everything else. This deep-rooted universal principle stems from the syncretic Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim background of the local communities.

Lore and tradition are just as alive today as they were when Javanese kings, Chinese traders and Hindu artists made it their home, a long time ago. The secluded beaches, along with lush hillsides padded with rice fields, have always provided comfort to fatigued travelers.

Today it is up to us to gain inspiration and soothe our stressed, frenzied souls. Unsurprisingly, countless yoga students, digital nomads and art scholars have ended up settling here long term, when settling foot on this beautiful land.

Julia Roberts fascination for the island might have transpired from the “Eat, Pray, Love” 2010 movie, however – mark our words – that is but a pale reflection of the magic sensed when landing here.

Nowadays, launching an investment project in Bali is also a display of great business judgement.
Whilst many South East-Asia countries offer attractive conditions for Foreign Direct Investments, only Indonesia con boast a combination of political stability, low labour cost, prudent fiscal management, good infrastructure and pristine natural beauty.

Tropical greenery lies behind every corner, but modernity has also been top of mind for the national leadership:
Bali has a busy international airport, world-level hotels and leisure services, a developed local economy – and a global standing that allowed the island to host world leaders at the G20 summit in 2022.